Whistleblower protection
Information on the Whistleblower Protection System
of the Haus der Diakonie gGmbH
Dear colleagues,
At this point we would like to inform you about our whistleblower protection system.
Trustful communication and a friendly mutual relationship between our company and employees is important to us. This is especially true in the area of whistleblower protection.
We provide protected communication channels and a confidential contact person in compliance with the relevant legal requirements (EU Whistleblower Directive/Whistleblower Protection Act). You have all communication options, from completely anonymous information sharing via the Internet, to common means of communication such as telephone or email, to a personal conversation if required.
We work in close cooperation with an external company, Whistleblower Protection Complete Solution GmbH. They ensure that your concerns are treated securely and confidentially and that they are classified legally in a factual and professional manner.
The following communication channels are available for communication in the area of whistleblower protection:
Telephone: 0800 0000 812
Email: hausderdiakonie@tipphaben.online
Portal: https://tippgeberschutz-komplettloesung.de/hausderdiakonie